
May 03, 2009 12:14

Well this morning between 7 and 8 a.m. I just kept hearing sirens. At one time they sounded fairly close. I know there is a fire station not far from here.
I haven't heard anything on the news about anything happening near here like a wreck or fire. Weird.

Man- my back sure hurts. It's really been bothering me a lot lately.

I need to go somewhere today and get Mother's Day card to send off to my mother-in-law. I should probably get one for my aunt as well but with money being so tight......
I wish I could go see each of them but I just can't. Mainly I can't afford it. I don't think my car would survive the trip there and back. I also have things here I need to take care of. Well anyway....


I guess I need to get off of here again and figure out what I am going to do the rest of the day. Bye.

2009, may, life, families

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