Same as it ever was-again

Dec 16, 2008 17:40

Well I've been trying to find out when I last had classes at Sinclair but can't seem to remember or find out. I did send off for my transcript but I would like to know sooner.
I tried searching through my journal but to no avail. :(
Oh well.
In reading past entries, it seems that I am always in the same situation each year at this time. Unemployed and struggling to pay bills. Not knowing how I'm going to do anything for Christmas. Well that wasn't completely true last year. I was able to put on a nice dinner for my daughter and s-i-l. Also gave them some gifts. But well... I don't know.
No gifts this year. I just don't have it. And again- I am worrying about how I'm going to pay the rent.

My daughter gave me some not-so-good news last night. B (my s-i-l) has a swollen tonsil but since only one is swollen- the doctor thinks it might be a tumor. I don't really know all of the details yet. I pray it isn't a tumor.
I've had my tonsils and adenoids removed twice. Once when I was about 2 years old and once when I was a teenager.
I went to Bible study today. We had fun. The "craft" project today wasn't a craft really. It was making Sandwich Loaves. I didn't make one. But I watched others make theirs. It was funny.
We are under a Winter Weather Watch or whatever it's called. A lot of places are closing or canceling evening activities. I wonder if I will be going over to Grandview to volunteer tomorrow? Guess I'll find out tomorrow morning. I'll give a call.
Brrr, I'm cold!

december, life, holiday(s), weather, money, family, 2008, health

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