Same as it ever was

Nov 27, 2008 08:52

Well apparently G and I will have to take ourselves down to Springboro to Br's cousin house for Thanksgiving. T told me last night that she and Br would be staying there late (but she couldn't pin down just how late). I don't think G and I want to stay too late. For one thing- he usually feeds his guinea pig at around 6 p.m. every day.
Now that we have to take ourselves there and back- I think we will most likely leave at about 4 p.m. I don't want to drive home in the dark.
We expect to leave here to go down there at about 12:15 p.m.
I may have to stop at a gas station to fill at least one tire with some air.
I think it takes at least 1/2 hour to get there but perhaps more like 45 mins? Guess we'll find out.
I hope I remember to mark down just when we leave. Guess I should start the time from the gas station. I most likely will go to the one up here that's just down the street from us.

Oh- Br's grandfather is in the hospital. I guess I will find out more when I see T and Br today at the dinner.

There's frost on the car! I sure hope it's gone by the time we leave. It should be.

I guess that's it for now.
Hope you all have or had a Great and Blessed Thanksgiving!

november, 2008, family, life, holiday(s)

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