Oh beedle-de-beep!

Nov 11, 2008 09:33

Well I'm still pretty congested. I suppose I should go down to the store and get something for it but I don't really want to spend the money.
I did see the doctor yesterday. I won't say what was done but well.. maybe later.
I just have to wait now for the results.
She did write me an rx for my acid reflux/heartburn. It's for Xanax? I haven't had it filled yet. She wants me to try that for now and see how it goes.
As for my cold she said I could get something OTC but just be careful because of my high bp.
So I guess I'll ask. - If I do decide to go get something.
Looks like I'm going to miss Bible study today. Darn! I really enjoy it too. And we won't have it next week as the lady who leads it will be out of town.
But if I was working again I'd miss it anyway so....
I do need a job. Kind of hard to look for one right now with this cold.
I'm about ready to take anything. McDonald's or whatever. However- I applied at McDonald's and Wendy's and a few other fast food restaurants a couple of years ago and never heard from any of them. I even called a couple back a few times and kept getting put off. The manager never seemed to be there. Curious.

november, 2008, life, health, faith, work

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