Hay ride, Shape-Note singing and other stuff

Oct 26, 2008 12:21

So I went with my CR friends to the hayride last night. It was basically a cookout and hayride. We sat around the fire and talked and ate. After awhile a group of us went on the hayride but it really wasn't "all that." I don't know I was kind of expecting something different.
The kids that were there sure liked to poke around in the fire. That worried me. I'm glad none of them were hurt from it.

My friend and I go to the Shape-Note singing today. That will be fun.

I got kind of irritated at church today. Our pastor was telling us which issues to vote for and against. I feel that people should have the right to decide on their own whether to get a "PayDay" loan or whether to gamble or not. What happened to "free will"? Just my thoughts on the matter. I think I will vote NO on Issue 5 but probably also vote NO on Issue 6 but I haven't definitely made up my mind yet.

My stomach's acting up again. I woke up again with that "acid reflux". Ugh! Need to remember to sleep sitting up or elevated.
I'm sure what I ate last night didn't help any also.

issues, shape-note singing, health, election '08, church, cr

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