
Oct 21, 2008 09:50

My sinuses are bothering me today. Ugh! Nose is all stuffy and I have a bit of a headache.
Bible study is today. I don't know if I'll be able to eat any lunch. I'm kind of afraid to eat anything anymore. That's good in some ways (hopefully I'll lose some weight?) but bad in many other ways. I hope my potassium levels don't get screwed up. Did you know if your potassium gets screwed up you can have all kinds of problems???
I'm bringing a friend of mine to the Bible study. Hope she likes it. She should at least like the craft activity later. She's into sewing and crafts.
I found out something interesting awhile ago. Someone mentioned on another post that they live in Tel Aviv and it cost to use the library there. The things we take for granted! I'm glad that I can almost get whatever I need/want in the form of books, movies, etc. from our library for free (unless of course I mess up and return something late). I hope our libraries stay free. OK- I'm sure they are financed somehow by our tax money but you know what I mean.

library, health, tuesday

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