Books and Baseball cards

Oct 20, 2008 21:14

Well I went up to the attic again today because I thought maybe, just maybe, the plastic for the windows might be up there. It wasn't.
But anyway- I gathered up all of the baseball cards that were on the floor and put them in a box. May go through them later but I don't know. There's so many of them.
Also saw many books we still have up there. I think I'll try to gather those up and take to Half-Price books and see what I can get for them. Not much I'm sure but it's more than I'd have with them just sitting up there gathering dust. Every little bit helps.
Also I think I will go through my CD's again and may take some (most if not all) to the second hand music/dvd store. I've made some decent money from them before.
I guess you could say I'm getting desperate. Still don't have a job and rent will be due in about two weeks. Right now if I had to pay it- I wouldn't have it. I almost have it but if I paid what I have with some help even- then I wouldn't have anything left in my checking account.So......
I can't really do anything with the baseball cards, books, and cd's until this Wednesday. Tomorrow I will be going to a Bible study. Maybe when I get home from that but even then it will be mostly gathering up everything. I don't think I'll be taking any of it anywhere until Wednesday.
Man - I'm tired. I didn't really do anything much today. I did wash a bunch of towels and wash cloths today and hang them up.

I woke up last night with acid reflux. That wasn't fun. Coughed and threw up a few times. Ech! I need to be more careful what and how I eat. Today I ate mostly crackers, and later I had some chicken and rice. Drank chamomile tea today also.

What stinks is.. I have to avoid tomatoes! I love tomatoes! This just ain't right! :(

2008, book(s), health, october, monday

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