The Value of a Life

Oct 15, 2008 10:25

Well I have no confirmation yet. I have reason to believe that cancer may have returned.
So- I need to try to decide whether I want to live.

Part of me is -YES

but another part says- NO

Why would I not want to live?

Well let's see- It cost money to live. Money that is rather hard to come by - especially nowadays. It costs money to eat, money to fill the car with gas, money to pay for essentials i.e. gas, electric, phone, mainly- food.
Money for non-essentials but things that make life more bearable- TV, DVD's, events, snacks, etc.

Also....... it cost money to go to the doctor to have yourself checked out and then if it IS cancer- you have to undergo tests, possible surgery and/or chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments, etc, etc, etc.

Then there's the uncertainty of what this world is coming to. Who's going to be president and what are they going to do once they become president. What direction are they going to take this country? Are they and there administration going to cause the price of living to go up? Are they going to tax the heck out of us? Are we still going to feel free to do the things we normally do (legal things of course). Speaking of which- will the legal become illegal? Will virtually all of our freedoms become stifled?

I guess too I am thinking- Is my life that valuable? How much would someone or anyone go through to ensure that I live? Would they take up a collection? Put forth their own money? What? I sure don't have the money to go through all of the steps again. I still have a bleepin' hospital bill haunting me from surgery back in 2003.
I was mislead on how that would be covered back then. If I had only known. I don't qualify for any assistance. I don't know how to "play the system".
Anyway- like I said - I sometimes wonder if it's all worth the hassle anyway.

worth it, life, uncertanty 10-15-08, who's going to be president, hassle, cancer, death, the world

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