September 2008

Sep 30, 2008 22:34

Well this has been some month! September 4 was my niece's 4th anniversary. September 7th-Jimmie wins the Rock & Roll 400! September 10th my son started classes again at Sinclair, September 11- 7 years since attack by Muslim terrorists, Sept.12- My last day at Logistics Insights, Sept. 14th - Ohio and parts of KY,IN and PA hit by high winds (remnants of Hurricane Ike)-Much damage- fallen trees, tree limbs, power lines, widespread power outages, many business, schools,etc. closed. Ice, candles, and batteries in high demand & short supply. Especially ice.
Sept 17th - I do some laundry at friend's house in Kettering (she still has power).
Sept 18th-Marks my wedding anniversary-37 years ago.
Sept 20th- Power returned to most of us in my neighborhood
Sept 22nd- Was supposed to start new assignment at GE Money USA but was not on list of people to start. I was sent home.
Power back out again in my neighborhood at about 4:35 p.m. and some other nearby areas. I freak out and rush down to Kroger to buy more ice. Wound up not needing or using it as power was restored in about 2 hours.
Sept. 23rd- Started new assignment at GE Money (through Kelly Temp. Services).
Sept. 27th- German Dinner at church
Sept. 28th- Shape-Note Singing- brought a friend with me. She liked it!
Sept. 30th- Worked until 2:30 p.m. and then went to doctor's appointment. More about that some other time - maybe.

shape-note singing, power outages, german dinner, some month, friend(s), ge money, doctor's appointment, kelly services. 9-11, damage

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