Busy day

Sep 28, 2008 08:35

So in a bit I will be going to Sunday School 9:10-10:00 a.m. Then there's church services -10:15-11:15 a.m.
Then I may skip "social hour" and come straight home or only stay for a bit and then come home.
Then my son wants to go to the pet store for more bedding and food for his guinea pigs. I want to go to Wal-Mart to pay off my cc bill and buy some more store brand weight loss shake. I drink it more as something quick and easy to have for breakfast.
After that I need to get home so I can finish making the pasta salad and about 2 p.m. or so I will go down and pick up my friend and we will go to the Shape-Note Singing.
When I get home I need to get ready for work tomorrow. I am somewhat dreading it. I don't think I'll be getting as much help tomorrow and that scares me. I especially dread having to take inbound calls. I can better prepare myself for the outbound calls plus with those theirs always the good chance no one is home, or will answer the phone. I guess you can tell I have no confidence in myself when it comes to speaking with people on the phone in a business type setting. I think that's why I didn't do so well in telemarketing.
I most likely will miss today's NASCAR race. Oh well. I still hope Jimmie wins.

dreading work, no confidence, shape-note singing, pet store, pasta salad, busy day, church, sunday school, wal-mart, preparing for work tomorrow, diet shake

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