Sep 20, 2008 23:12


(Does the Snoopy Happy Dance)

They got us back on at about 9:30 p.m. or so. At about 9:15 p.m. the power came on for about 15-20 seconds but then we heard some popping noises and it went back out. Then a bit later we saw some smoke from somewhere.
I walked around the block with some of my neighbors and anyway the trucks came and the guys came and checked out the transformer near us but it was OK. So then they left and went over to another street and not long after that the power was back on.
I went over to a friend's house earlier and did some more laundry.
Well I have some other stuff to do so that's all for now. (Does the Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy Snoopy Dance again). :)

snoopy dance, sept 20 2008, happy happy joy joy, power back on, dance

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