
Sep 09, 2008 19:58

Man - How stupid can a person get???! I was starting to cut potatoes awhile ago with a paring knife and as soon as (or that is) no sooner had I started that I notice the knife wasn't cutting - at least not the potato! I was cutting me! I had it turned the wrong way!!!
I feel so stupid! Needless to say- I stopped cutting potatoes. Not that I was cutting them in the first place! (Like I said). Went into the bathroom and washed my wound and put a band-aid on it. I was going to drown it in peroxide but we don't seem to have any. I didn't want to use alcohol. I shutter to think how bad that would burn! I pray it doesn't become infected - it's on my "bad arm". I'm not supposed to get any punctures, wounds, etc. on that arm or hand, etc.

Only got in an hour O.T. today. Plan to go for 3 1/2 again tomorrow and Thursday & probably 2-2 1/2 Friday.

Looks like I may have something lined up for after this assignment ends. I'll know more this Friday. I sure hope so.

Obama was here in Dayton (Riverside) today. He spoke at Stebbins High School which is not far from where I live.

McCain and Palin were south of Dayton at the Golden Lamb Restaurant.

They played both of them on the radio. That is while they were speaking. I did listen to both of them but..... I didn't really get to hear all of McCain's speech. The station seemed to be having technical difficulties and cut off during part of McCain's speech. I noticed it never once cut off during Obama's speech. Makes me very suspicious! I don't think it was the radio stations fault but I have to wonder if someone didn't sabotage them somehow. I could have switched over to FM (as this station also broadcast on FM) but my radio doesn't seem to pull the FM station in when I'm at work. :(
Well I guess that's about all for now. Bye.

cut finger, speeches, obama, the golden lamb, sabotage, radio station problems, mccain, technical difficulties, stupid, stebbins high school, potatoes

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