What's going on?

Sep 06, 2008 08:03

In my life- need to make a doctor's appointment (so I can get refill on bp med)- don't want to. Can't afford it (the appointment that is).

Need to buy refill for phone minutes.

Hoping daughter will have more contact with me now that she lives closer. Doubt that she will.

Will be unemployed again after next week unless the temp service finds me a new assignment or I find something.

Son is starting classes again on Monday.

My friend and neighbor going through separation/divorce.

The world- Tropical Storm Hanna hitting the east coast. NASCAR races post-phoned until tomorrow.

McCain's v.p. pick Sarah Palin seems to be growing in popularity. Dems and liberals are going crazy trying hard to discredit her.

Economy in the toilet.

Push for more drilling here in the U.S. - Meeting resistance from environmental wackos.

Little Caylee is still missing.Presumed dead. Mother was arrested but is now out on bail or bond. Is strongly suspected of her daughter's murder.

my life, world events, what's going on, same as it always was, the world

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