My day

Aug 30, 2008 23:22

Got up

Got on computer

Did some other stuff ( had breakfast, took medicine, got dressed, etc.- not necessarily in that order)

Watched a dvd ( The Namesake) wasn't too bad but seemed a bit too long.

Went to Kroger and bought vinegar. Went to ATM and got $20. Went to Deals and bought some kitchen gadgets. Peeler, paring knife, can opener. Also bought some Twizzlers.
Went to Wal-Mart and paid on my Wal-Mart cc with $20 from ATM. Also bought store brand "Slim-Fast."
Went back over to Deals and bought generic Rubics Cube and Sudoku puzzle.
Went to gas station down the road from me and bought $30 worth of gas at $3.589 per gallon. Got a little over 8 gallons. Came home.
Washed some towels and wash cloths and hung up outside later.
Watched another DVD. Over Her Dead Body. Was OK. Didn't hate it. Didn't love it.
Watched some TV and then back online for awhile.
I'm sure I did a few other things but can't think of them at the moment.
Oh well.

the namesake, over her dead body, deals, dvds, wal-mart, stuff i did today, towels

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