Moisture Meter

Aug 16, 2008 19:14

Yeah- so - I went to Wal-Mart today to buy a moisture meter. They didn't have any.
Went over to Lowes. They did. I bought one. Also bought a ceramic "worm". The directions said to soak it for 2 minutes before use. I did. Then sat it on kitchen table ( I didn't plan to use it right away). It sat they about a minute and then burst open! Not sure what caused that! I put it back together and wrapped a tie string around it. I haven't tried out my meter yet. The worm only cost about $2.00. The meter under $5.00. Will wait til the sun goes down some more before I try it out.

So tomorrow night I am going with my friend to her church again to a ice-cream social and car show. Then after that they will be having an appearance by Taylor Mason.

It should be a fund evening. I hope some of the people I've let know about it will show up but who knows.

I watch a couple of the movies I got from the library.
P.S. I love you. - Was OK- not too bad. Seemed a bit long. Best part was towards the end.

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium- so-so. I didn't hate it but I didn't quite like/love it either.

I may watch another tonight but I'm not sure yet. Those two were "1 weekers" That is I have one week from the time of check out to watch and return. I have one more that is only for 1 week. The Waitress.

I guess that's about it for now. Bye.

lowes, water meter, worm, dvds, wal-mart, taylor mason

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