CR tonight

Aug 15, 2008 16:47

Well I'm going to CR tonight with my friend who is also my next door neighbor.
We go every Friday or almost every Friday. Sometimes she can't go so I have to go by myself or give the other girl who goes with us a ride there.
Sometimes they don't have it. Anyway...
I really need to get started cleaning this room again. I need to finish it up and keep it clean. I just seem to get bogged down or distracted by something and then I start making excuses, so on, etc......
I'm getting more tomatoes. They are still small but I think I have about 4-5 new ones on the vine. I just need to determine if I'm overwatering them or not. I think I might be but I'm not sure.
I've got a "you-know-what" load of movies (DVDs) from the library I need to try to watch this weekend. But as I said - I also have this room to clean so.....
I'll figure it out somehow. Maybe I'll do it in shifts- watch a movie, clean the room, watch a movie, clean the room. Like I said- I'll figure it out somehow. :)
Well I guess that's all.
Oh my friend wants to pick me up 15 minutes earlier tonight. Long story. No big deal.

overwatering, dvds, cleaning my room, cr, tomatoes

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