
Jul 15, 2008 18:17

Am I the only one that feels like I am/we are being harassed by the constant displaying of commercials and scrolls about the "pandemic" and the "digital converter boxes". It's ridiculous! If people don't know by now that they need to get new TV's or get one of those "bleeping" boxes then they have either been dead, in prison (I'm sure even they know about the switchover) or in a coma!

As for the "bleeping" pandemic- didn't you get tired of telling us about the bird flu that didn't happen? Apparently not!

Why are you haranguing us like this? You just HAVE to have control of our lives- don't you!?

Well in case anyone hasn't heard (although I can't imagine who) and you are interested, here are the sites for both:



Notice how they are both government sites.

If that doesn't bother you, what can I say?

It sure bothers me.

control, pandemic, scare, harassment, digital converter boxes, government

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