Why can't people....

Jun 20, 2008 05:38

show up when they are supposed to?????

I had to wait 10-15 minutes yesterday before I could leave work because the girl for the second shift didn't show up at 4:00. My supervisor or whatever she's called had to call up to the office to find out whether she was here or not. I'm calling Kelly today that that's enough of that *bleep*. She was late a couple of days ago too. It's called scheduling your time. Damn it!
So tonight after I get off I'll be coming home and then probably walk over to church so I can help with VBS. I would have helped the rest of the week but I had that class to go to.
Now gas is up to *bleepin'* $4.09! Ridiculous! I think we should riot or something. Get a bunch of horse and bikes and skateboards and rollerblades, etc. and get on the road and clog traffic. Maybe then someone will get the hint.
And we need to start drilling over here- damn it! NOW!
They are letting other countries drill off our shores- why can't we???????? So stupid!

Well I haven't heard from my daughter since I saw her and my s-i-l on Mother's Day. I could be dead and buried and she wouldn't even know. I guess she could say the same thing but I shouldn't have to be the one to make the first move. I'm her mother. She should show me more respect than that. And if she's sick or something then my s-i-l should call and let me know.
Well gotta run out of here and off to work in a minute or two. Hope I don't get any long lights or geese to deal with on the way there (or worse).

work, church, late people, drilling, vbs, protest, gas prices, daughter

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