So my back is still hurting. Seems to be really bad in the morning. I usually wake up in pain and pretty stiff. I thought maybe I have the same thing my sister has, which is ankylosing spondylitis but after reading about it again, I don't think that is what I have.
This pain and stiffness has been going on for about a week (or nearly a week). I've tried heat and ice and rubs (i.e. icy-hot, capsacin ian cream, metholatum, etc.) They only help a little but the pain is still there for the most part. And I've also been eating tylenol like crazy.
It's mostly my lower left side of my back (just above the left buttock)- although sometimes there are twinges (sp) of pain elsewhere. Oh sometimes my knees hurt too.
Sad news- I read this morning that the daughter of Christian singer Steven Curtis Chapman was accidentally killed. Her brother accidentally ran over her. My prayers go out to the Steve and the family.
Well it's starting to look as though there will not be a Sacred-Harp singing this coming Sunday. :(
I think they are going to be singing "out-of-state" again. I just can't make it. I'd love to but can't afford the gas or the time, etc.
I washed and hung up some towels yesterday. I was hoping my son would go out before it got dark and check on them and see if they were dry. He didn't. They are still our there and it looks like it might rain. :(
So I re-signed with CBS temp service yesterday but I still have to take a test that they e-mailed me. I have an interview on Wednesday.
The neighbors dog is barking again. Barked his fool head off almost all night last night. I had to turn on my "sound machine" last night to kind of drown him out.
I think it's so rude of people to let their dogs carry on like that when there's no good reason. Maybe it doesn't bother them but they should consider their neighbors.
Well I guess that's all for now. More later.
Oh- I was dreaming about my son's guinea pigs last night. I dreamed they were running around loose in the house. My son didn't seem too concerned. They peed and pooped in a few places.