May 13, 2004 19:40
So I'm walking back from chesnuthill after a great time w/ marlenah and lauren and I'm on bethlhem pike. I decided to put my thumb out. My rationalization is it will be an intresting way to meet a new person if i actually get picked up. So about I'm almost at the big intersection and a car pulls over. I'm thinking to myself holy shit did someone just stop in flourtown for a hitchiker? So I'm walking up to the car and the license plate says "3atori" and thats when I realize this was meant to be. I get in the car and its a man named Eli. He tells me that he was going to his friends house to rap metaphsyics and on the terrible state of the world. We start talking and it ends up he is a healer who has followed his spirit back home to practice esosteric and energy healing. I wont go into crazy detail but it was only a 2 minute ride so he ended up coming in, smoking a few cigs w/ me and telling me about everything from lucid dreaming, shamanic healing, the mayan calander, and suggesting good books on all of these and more topics. after about half an hour I lent him my copy of waking life and he had to leave. All in all I have just made what will probably turn into a life long connection w/ an amazing soul and I can not stress how EXSTATIC I feel right now. pure syncronisity.