Feb 02, 2008 14:27
This is a conversation I had earlier today with my friend in guatemala (translated from spanish):
Jonah: Why are there cartoons of people wearing weired fucked up costumes and indians and turkeys for thanksgiving in the states?
Me: Where did you see that?
Jonah: I was surfing on flickr.
Me: Do you guys have a thanks giving over there (dia de gracias)?
Jonah: yeah, but no turkeys, and I've never seen those funny clown hats before.
Me: In the states thanksgiving is about white people celebrating that they killed all the indians. the "clown hats" are supposed to be what the white people wore when they came to america and tricked the indians into giving us all there food before we killed them by surprise.
Jonah: hijo su gran puta madre (son of a big whore mother).
Me: I know.
Jonah: I'm never going to the states. even legally. my whole family is indian.
Needless to say, that took alot of explaining and linking to news articles to get out of his head.