Sep 23, 2008 15:14
so I've had this idea in my head but I haven't had a way of describing it completely so I haven't blogged it. silly huh? I guess I'll just have to rely on the internets to be my brain for me here...
It seems to me that whenever a scientific discovery becomes famous people tend to try to explain all of science away with it. So people's whole life's work are reduced to the titles. Like "Evolution" or "atoms" worst yet is "string theory". Do most people who watch a nova documentary on these subjects understand what they are, no. Infact many people graduate from college with professional degrees in law or medicine without a clue about some of the foundational, BIG, ideas that make all of our lifes possible today. and that's ok as long as no one ignorant is voting on it or writing legislation on it, or basing religions on it.
and that's basically my idea, If you don't know the nitty gritty don't act on your theories about the possible conclussions. Because that leads to alot of lazy theories, alot of convienient science, religion, politics, and economics.
I remember when "what the bleep" came out and every pagan I knew was suddenly content to just boil their whole religion down to an unproven scientific theory. I'm not saying it's exactly wrong, it's just dangerous and lazy to leave everything up to the "strings" no questions asked. Only a few decades ago a cult named "psychiana" trusted the power of god in the hands of nuclear physics. They claimed that the destruction of hiroshima was not only proof that god was on the side of america, but is also proof that god was giving us his divine power to ascend to his level. and I guess that not far off, but I hope my humble readers can see why that's a silly reason to subscribe to a mail order cult religion.
To me it seems like modern legislation on things like the internet and stem cell research are a little like manifest destiny. Journalist John L. O'Sullivan said,"And that claim is by the right of our manifest destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and federated self-government entrusted to us."[1] But remember that the whole continent that O'Sullivan is talking about was inhabited by pesky indians and wasn't anything like what those colonial americans thought it would be like. Imagine us fools now, just walking off the cliff of technology with senator McCain and all of his knowledge of our manifest destiny.
I hope you readers see what I mean. It's pretty simple, and I may not have said it perfectly but atleast I'm saying it.