Nov 03, 2013 23:02
Yesterday was a very good day in Endless Hills. I was asked to come down and help marshal the barony's rapier championship. This allowed everyone to fight for the honor and for the combatants to not have to take a turn marshaling as well as competing. I like to do this when I can, and "the Hills" is something like a home away from home for me. The group as a whole has treated me very well, even back when I could do nothing for them aside from provide a few suggestions about fencing.
The tournament went well, with only minor issues. My former student won handily, and honorably, though he still plays with his food from time to time. After that tournament was finished, we milled about and I talked to some folks. I was feeling spent before I got there, so it took me a good deal of time to get into a decent tournament head space for the open tournament. Lord Mark ran a fantastic progressive form triple elimination tournament. A competitor was required to start with single sword and could only move to a "more advanced" defensive form after loosing a pass. After two losses, one could move to an offensive form. This worked my singe game a good deal which I most certainly needed. It wasn't until my first loss that I really felt anything remotely warm.
My only loss was to Jehan, who has definitely improved, due primarily to underestimating him. My mistake, and I did not repeat it. Jehan and Po provided a good deal of challenge, which is how I would have liked it. In truth, I think Po had a more precise form, but he had spent more than I had, after the championship earlier. Had we been equally fresh, these fights would probably have gone down in his favor. I think he was better than me overall, and it was only my inside game that won me the day. I don't like relying on that, as it's not really good enough to win in a more competitive field. Regardless, it was a good win, and a fun tournament. It felt good to win again, though I know I wasn't close to my better game. After that I was able to teach some footwork and help some new folks get going with more mechanically advanced, and historically accurate techniques.
Talking with friends was a welcome relaxation before court. Court itself was... interesting. I'm extremely grateful for the work our own herald does to keep Helene and I on track and organized. There were several interruptions and confusions that seemed to fit the spirit of the group, but would have driven Delftwood to revolt. It was a classic case of understanding the local culture, rather than following some formal or established protocol.
The drive there and back was enjoyable, and I think I got as much joy from a Sheets cheeseburger as I have from just about any meal in the past year. I had managed to dodge my retainers, and Martin's Storm of Swords on audiobook is a great companion for long solo road trips. I got some good time to think, and I'm thinking that is a good thing for the now.
October was a year of fire on its own, and this was a good break.