May 20, 2002 16:55
Yeah, wanna know how the world is safe? well it is cause I failed my roadtest! Isn't that the greatest news ever?? I did everying perfect!! After I got to do all my stuff and t was over and I passed i pull up to a corner and BLOW A STOP SIGN what a retart!! I parallel parked perfect.. 3-point turned perfect BUT after that RAN A STOP SIGN.. The ladie was like "you just ran a stop sign" and I was like "fuck" and then when we get back she had the nerve to tell me i drove good but needed to be more observant.. I wasn't even like reallllllllllllly nervous.. only a little but i still filed... I cryed like forever but then i realized a lot of people fail the first time.. and stuff and that i am still gonna get my license b4 my neighbor.. and some ofmy friends. So I guess the world is not gonna end jus cause I suck at driving. I am practicing sooooooooo much u dont even know
later potatoe,
Stephanie the still unlicenced...