I normally eschew memes of this sort, but the "graduate high school" entry pulled me in.
Have done (my attempt at chronological order):
Move out of parents' house for good
Start college
Become gainfully employed
Buy own computer
Graduate from high school (This is the interesting one. I’m still not sure whether I really have a diploma.)
Get drunk for the first time (I count two times total, and they were pretty close together chronologically. I didn’t enjoy it much.)
First real relationship
Graduate from college
Buy a car
Start graduate school
Meet the Love of My Life (Depends on what we call “starting” graduate school. I met her during orientation)
First SF convention (I went to a lot of conventions before joining the SCA. But the SCA has taken over.)
Drive cross-country (taking Cara to Boston; I have very fond memories of that trip)
First broken heart (Cara threatened to call off our engagement -- not sure if that counts, but it felt bad enough at the time)
Get married
Buy a house
First Real Job (TM)
Get a 401(k) (or IRA)
First Pennsic
Join the SCA (Yes, we went to Pennsic before joining the SCA.)
Have kids
Get a cell phone
Offend someone horribly online (I moderate an online discussion group - you can’t do that without offending someone)
Get a smart phone
Haven't done:
Go to live in another country
Get laid off
Get divorced