The following are tenative plans for our first Lazer Tag evening.
When: Sunday, July 20th // evening (probably assembling about 5:30pm, leaving park by 8:30pm)
** Exact times to be announced.
** Weather dependant
Signal Hill Park, Manasas City (Can't figure out how to imbed the google map - someone with good LJ-fu able to help?)
What: Lazer Tag Team Ops, various games
Will start with a warm up of free for all, to get folks used to the taggers and the environment.
Will then move into more complex games involving teams, respawning/zone areas or other complexities.
All rules will be explained at each game's briefing.
Who: Anyone interested in showing up.
We have equipment for about 18-20 people.
Why: To have fun.
What to bring:
LTTO tagging gear if you have it
Comfortable clothing you can move quickly in
A desire for fun
Donations of name brand batteries are appreciated, but not required.