More Sun

Jan 21, 2023 16:29

I have noticed we are incrementally getting more sunshine in a day. Alas, around 4 p.m. need to turn on the light in the kitchen. That will be different in a couple of months.

Took a shower, powdered my groin and cut my toenails. Feel much better with all clean clothes.

Making progress on my list. I will update this after I write today. However, as I recuperate from bending down to the sink I can say the dishwasher is ready for another load and we are getting prepared for the final push to get the kitchen clean (without the floor--that is a long-standing issue). If we didn't have to keep up on the dishes I might have more time to sweep and mop the floor.

If the weather to-morrow is similar to the weather this afternoon, I will spend some time pulling and stowing asbestos siding tiles.

Done and To do:
[x] clear kitchen sink.
[x] run dishwasher.
[x] put away clean dishes and flatware.
[x] fill dishwasher.
[x] rinse cat food cans.
[ ] wash other items.
[w] clean cat litter. (2 of 3 done)
[ ] get up to duct and seal.
[ ] put books back in dark wood bookcase in hallway.
[ ] reassemble light wood book case to place in the hallway.
[ ] put books back in the light wood book case.
[ ] in cellar find Marisa's small flag box.
[ ] receive short book case and fill with books.

cat food, tasks, cleaning, bookshelves, cat litter

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