Oct 12, 2022 08:01
Don't know what happens.
I get this idea of a project, assemble all the tools and materials, then don't do it.
Can't seem to scrape together the time after accounting for regular house and me maintenance.
Yes I have a lot of moving to do for our back room...and general organizing. These projects may be related or not.
Besides dump run costs, these are paid for...just need to do the work.
Here are some of these waiting for me to focus and finish:
[ ] washcloth rack.
[ ] install new windsheild wipers on truck.
[ ] store glass slides.
[ ] assemble second bookcase for bathroom.
[ ] rip wood and finish fence sections in back.
[ ] treat wood to keep it from greying.
[ ] fix and paint post top for picket fence.
[ ] clean picket fence and paint.
[ ] clear out 2nd story closet and put in shelves, move in all films.
[ ] clear out northeast corner so it is level and just dirt.
[ ] assemble cabinet to replace recordio and record cabinet in bedroom.
[ ] new door for half-bathroom.
[ ] remove remaining carpet from dining room.
[ ] assemble CD cabinets for dining room to fit cat corner.
[ ] remove one piece of carpet by understairs closet.
[ ] remove remaining carpet from living room.
[ ] put in sewer port (waiting for rain to make the ground softer: need to remove dirt around pipe to cut it with sawzall)
[ ] locate and dig two holes for 8x8 gate posts.
[ ] weed gravel area between wheel pavers in the front drive way.
[ ] dig post hole for enhanced 4x4 by sidewalk for front gate and add pole
[ ] create bed for rocks using cleaned gravel from central area, landscape fabric...and use landscape fabric to cover middle area.
[ ] buy ground cover plants for middle area and large wood chunks.