Oct 10, 2022 07:16
When I eat something tainted, I get diarrhea. I understand this.
However, for the last week or so all of my bowel movements have been loose stools. Not diarrhea.
It could be from any of these causes: irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, dumping syndrome, ulcerative colitis, hyperthyroidism, or bile acid malabsorption.
Dehydration is said to be a result of these problems, not a cause of the loose stools but the fact remains is that I have not been drinking much water lately.
So I will drink more water--at lunch, through the afternoon and at dinner. If nothing else it will prevent dehydration.
I will know for sure there is something wrong if I drink a lot and still have loose stools. As my diet has been the same for some time, the only factor of change is the taking of an antibiotic, which I finished on Friday. The change in my stool has been happening at the same time as my taking of the antibiotic. The pill basically can serve to get rid of the good bacteria in my small intestines, thus causing gas and loose bowel movements.
So I won't worry about this for another week. I expect the side effects of the antibiotic pill to go away over the next week then.
Meanwhile the under arm boil that broke more than a week ago and for which I went to urgent care--it did not heal as expected and appears to be back, although not as large.
I have my Covid-19 booster set up for Wednesday, Oct. 19 in Hillsboro, then the next morning, Thursday, Oct. 20, have the removal of the sebaceous cyst from below the skin by my belly button. That will be at Sunnyside.
bowel movement