The Move from Kansas Is Done, Now to Unpack.

Jan 07, 2000 08:00

[this is adapted from an email sent to my real estate agent, Gina Rodriguez]

I am still recovering from the move and everything, so haven't finished my own personal paperwork. This weekend is the first I will have here with nothing more to worry about.

Actually, I still have 49 boxes in Kansas to move...just couldn't fit them in the 26 foot truck!

Tommorrow I will buy split full-sized box spring mattresses and regular mattresses for my two fullsized beds. I hadn't counted on the fact that you can't get a full sized box spring through the stair well (several people tried).

Everything took longer than I wanted, but luckilly did not impact my work because it was a perfect lull time in my department at Intel.

Frankly, everything that has happened from the day I met my real estate agent, Gina Rodriguez, has led me to believe I am quite fortunate! When I flew back to Kansas, I got in at Kansas City and onto the train...good weather all the way. The day after a big storm blew in and hit all of Eastern Kansas. Western Kansas (where I was loading the truck) was only lightly hit. Then I had to drive East a bit [to Oklahoma City!] to pick up a bed I just bought [Heywood Wakefield] and then back West again. A day earlier and I would still have had snow and ice on the roads to contend with. Instead...dry roads and clear skies! The next day I drove through Denver and across most of Wyoming...clear roads, good weather. The next morning the news reported Denver was totally socked in by snow. However, clear skies and good roads West from my location to Boise the next day.

The only problem was Boise to Pendleton. I had to buy chains to get over the passes. First time I ever had to use chains or put them on. I am glad to have done it once in my life (and I hope never again).

The trip took longer than expected and so did the unloading. I had the same problems with scheduling my move from the apartment and the cleaning of it...but it ALL got done. I wasn't finished with the apartment until 11:59 p.m. on New Year's Eve!

Only now am I getting a chance to actually take things out of boxes.

Until I get all my stuff in the right place, it is hard to know what I really can use which I don't have already.

I had my first house repair last weekend! The upstairs toilet wasn't sealing up well after each flush, so was constantly refilling itself. It became too much to bear, so I got a replacement flapper and dug in...and it works perfectly now! This is good news for me, because I have messed around with toilets before and always had SOME difficulty. This went very well.

oklahoma, garden city, idaho, boise, colorado, kansas, moving, wyoming, toilet

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