Dec 08, 2021 18:27
* Nice little rain event while working. Blue skies, no wind...and perfectly vertical rain hitting the metal roof. I like that rare weather event.
* Expecting colder weather and snow in the passes. However, should be fine here.
* I definitely want to bring a ladder to the persimmon tree and the last whole persimmons. The squirrels eat them on the tree and sometimes carry them off to elsewhere. Another tree has a branch with a partially eaten one (I can see it from my office window: our front tree).
* Work ended about 6:15 p.m. and started at 8 a.m. I got some breakfast in around noon. No lunch, so hungry.
* Helped a user deal with a weird repository issue and he was enabled to move on.
* Wrote some code to satisfy another enhancement ticket, but meanwhile found another ticket needs more work. Good to get these done weeks before the deadline (next week, the week after?).
* The meeting I run was short--not a lot to talk about.
* My later than normal mortgage payment registered to-day. The mortgage company never sent me my bill and I let the receipt of the bill generally dictate when I send the check, so it messed me up. Their phone line has been busy, but I will try this week to get in touch and see how next month's bill will happen. In theory I should get the bill very soon.