Asbestos, storage, projects

Feb 02, 2019 10:11

Woke at 6:30 this morning fully refreshed and ready to do things at home!

Marisa last night helped out the Wrights with Vajra's health issues while I went to sleep early.

Did research on asbestos removal. We can do it ourselves with exception of vermiculite removal because that involves loose material. Also, could be in our roof: leave that up to the roofer. Test first, though, to avoid the extra steps needed in removal and disposal. We have the potential of asbestos throughout the house.

Anyway, will go through the steps when we start removing stuff. Thank goodness carpet is not an issue (that is the first layer of material to remove on our floors).

After I deal with balancing the checkbook and getting checks ready, and take a shower, I will focus on cleaning the basement.

My goal will be to work through stored items at the southeast corner of the basement and gradually reduce boxes in that item by consolidation and moving. This will take a while, but hope to clear up enough to easily allow the Christmas stuff to be stowed and provide more room in that area.

This could take all of February to get a large enough space, but I want to open up an area between the door, the kitchen sink and the water heater. This will allow a plumber to easily work on pipes to improve the hot water flow to the kitchen sink and to repair the kitchen drain.

If I can do that in February, then if everything is good, come April I will start looking for a contractor.
1. savings adequate.
2. employment secure.
3. basement completely accessible and safe for a contractor.

Once that work is done, I can continue working on the basement to open up more room. Part of this project will involve encapsulating the asbestos tape on the joints of the ducts, then insulating the ducts. I would like to do this work in April as we won't have to run either heating or cooling. If I can't get it done then will have to wait until the early Fall. If I can insulate the ducts in April, then I can build around the ducts with less fear of condensation during the summer. To-day I have to cool the basement somewhat to avoid condensation on the uninsulated ducts. Once insulated I can stop cooling the basement and concentrate storage under the ducts.

My long term plan for the basement is create corridors of storage along the ducts, where you can't walk upright (the ducts require you to stoop down). This will mean the basement will have a long hallway, then turns into the larger part of the basement to avoid the duct work.

This is the best I can do if we can't lower the foundation and deepen the basement (a major expense).

So: February basement, March outdoor work and dvd shelves, April--duct encapsulation and insulation, May--outdoor work, June--outdoor work, July--painting, August--basement, September--basement/vacation/outdoor work, October--outdoor work and carpet removal (foyer, dining room), November--living room work, Thanksgiving, cards; December--Christmas.

Writing projects: The buildings of the Portland Public Schools. The school system is a poor steward of its own history. Someone has to pull this information together. Might as well be me.

dvds, duct, projects, book ideas, basement, carpet, storage, foundation, floor, asbestos

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