
Jan 20, 2019 17:27

Doing my best to hold down the budget, save more, spend less and still make progress at home.

* paid all bills to this point and exhausted savings to only $1000. I expect this, but eventually want to see this grow and not shrink.
* saved information from all purchased Ebay items so when I do receive them I can leave feedback and take them off the list.
* saved additional items from Ebay I wish to retain as reference only.
* several more reference-only items came up to-day, but I will deal with those.
* one ebay item remains. The lack of interest is deafening: I am sure to be outbid in the last 30 seconds, which is what I want!
* I did buy a DVD from Amazon to-day: it was to use a $5 gift certificate as my "pain and suffering" payment from the Red Cross for that hematoma I got after a blood donation in mid December. Normally I wouldn't accept gifts as thanks for my donation, but this time I felt it appropriate because it was not a routine blood donation for me! So I got a $10 blu-ray on my list for just $5!
* Also I splurged for a book by Edie Adams about her life. Marisa and I briefly met her in Iola Kansas for the Buster Keaton Festival in 2001-2004, I forget what year. Ben Model's reference to the book made me look. It only cost $3.50.
* I did spend $100 for Star Trek Stamps. It was hedge against rising postage costs, plus my interest in continuing to use these stamps for as long as they are available. I send letters. I need stamps.
* Speaking of Star Trek, the first episode of the 2nd season for Star Trek Discovery was outstanding! I am also pleased that I preceded it as planned: all episodes of the previous season plus a night of all "Short Treks", generally one episode a day until the premiere.
* Marisa and I watched a television program to-day about reducing clutter. I am perfectly happy to reduce for things I have no plan to use, mainly clothes at this point. The problem is: I need time to sort through everything.
* I did sort through recent photos and organized them for later permanent storage locations: found a lot of extra paper and cardboard for recycling that way.
* Looked at the native plant sale by East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District. Sold out! It's fine. I like the Skyline Grange sale. Doubt I will be ready for the actual plants in mid-February anyway: need to prepare the soil.
* Swept the front walkway and then the sidewalk. Also shoveled leaves from the street which had matted there. Another good rain should loosen up the remaining leaves (or deliver new ones to shovel away). Definitely want to keep the street, gutter, curbs and sidewalk spic and span this year!

star trek, books, budget, garden journal, stuff

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