1924 in 2019, 1925 in 2020, 1926 in 2021

Jan 15, 2019 18:16

As long as I find the original material, I can use it to derive new works...if it was published in 1924 and before.

But next year, it can be published in 1925 or before.

However, if someone makes a copy of something from the unprotected era...then I use that copy...it is potentially a copyright variation, as the copy represents a collection copyright, even if it is a collection of one!

This is why it is important to own the original piece, whether it is written, a photograph, art, or a movie.

My glass slide collection: I can easily use most of those for movies released in 1924 or before.

All of my Tibbitts photos I can use without worrying.

If I have a magazine or newspaper published in 1925 or before, I also can use any part of it for anything I want, but not a reproduction of that newspaper or magazine or even a representation of those pages done digitally! I might be able to get away with it if there are multiple sources and I do some things to improve the image. Then it would be difficult to know how I got the original source material and might not be challenged.

For material produced after 1925, it is still copyrighted, but if not clear who owns the copyright, then what? Say Joe Blow takes a picture in 1955. I get the original picture, so I own it. If Joe Blow is dead and his heirs don't know about it, but I own the original picture, I would have the best claim for any use of that picture. If someone else gets a copy of it and publishes it as theirs, then sues me for its use, they would be on shaky ground.

So owning the original object is definitely helpful, but you still need to know if the creator is alive. Copyright ownership does not transfer with the object.

It is clear that ANYTHING made in 1924 or before is no longer copyrighted...and can be used in any way needed as long as it is from the original.

For example, a record made in 1924. If I get that record, I can digitize it, clean it up and sell a CD with that recording and copyright it.

On the other hand, a cd which has a digitization of that record can not be copied and then put into a new product. The cd copyright is for that the work done to the original sound.

copyright, glass slides, glass negatives, photographs, tibbitts

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