Keeping track

Dec 29, 2018 12:58

Just keeping track...
* work during near-holidays not as focussed on my special projects as I had hoped. However, did squeeze out enough time yesterday to fix my crontab issue (I hope) and finish the scraper to output a decent graph. On Monday I can add the scraper code to the cron script and run gnuplot on one of the 3 files generated (1 file generated with the latest data (the day's rpt file), 1 file with the summary table (the dat file) and 1 file with the gnuplot instructions to create the graph. All the data I need are in the rpt files (I hope: if not this will be more complicated), so if I want to make changes to the graph, I can fix the scraper to generate the right data for the graph using the raw data in the rpt files. I think on Monday I can get down to the business of making changes that this data is meant to follow. The intent is to simplify code and parameters over time because less means more easily supported. I felt the best way to know how I am doing is to measure the impact from data over time. I had a request to do this work but its goals were vague. Now I can look at the numbers and demonstrate progress!
* my hematoma seems less of a bother and appears to be going away...or I just am more accepting. I took a picture of it the first day I noticed it. I will take a picture a week later and one picture a week to see if there is truly change.
* Just got the last of the antique Howard Clinton Tibbitts glass negatives that I have purchased. Right now no new offerings. I added some calculations to my spreadsheet of all the negatives I have seen offered. I have paid out, in total, $7625.67 for the negatives and any postage and handling costs involved. For 114 negatives that is a cost of $66.89 per image, which is just a little over what I offer for each one initially. Some cost me way more than that, others a little less. So I would say I have been successful.
* Purchasing the negatives I did this month sort of creates a budget imbalance, but it should be short-lived with an influx of cash next month. I did want to round out my California Mission and San Francisco images. I lost a number of needed images but also got some of use. Unfortunately my attempt to get a needed image of Roosevelt Dam for my Bureau of Reclamation research failed. It was an image from just behind the dam, but it would have been useful. So far I have not seen any Tibbitts photos of the face of the dam.
* The boxes of negatives yet to be processed into their new storage is getting a bit too large. So I hope I will be able to work on that this weekend once I find my archival pen.

red cross, computer programming, california missions, book ideas, blood, tibbitts, glass negatives, work, photographs

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