Feb 19, 2017 13:38
I got an hour or so of digging in to-day before it started raining, so I came in for lunch.
Almost succeeded in cutting across a diagonal 3 foot section from the heating oil tank (HOT) fill pipe to the western corner of the planned garden. Clay dirt removed has been raked and spread to establish a proper walkway elevation against the house.
After lunch, if the rain stops, I will complete the diagonal and then chip away at the resulting island between the diagonal and the dirt walkway at the west edge of the north corner of the house.
I would like to remove that island completely by the end of to-day.
Meanwhile I have been digging the drywell hole deeper and chipping away at the elevation along the sidewalk.
To-morrow I can finish all grading and also dig the drywell hole even deeper. We will see how far I can get before I go back to work on Tueday.
The important thing is to finish the grading, as the HOT removal restoration will return the dirt level to the surrounding grade. I don't want there to be any confusion about that for these specialized landscapers (I had my fill of landscapers who do what they want rather than ask me what I want).
With the HOT removal and this grading, I will be within striking distance of the foundation of Marvin's Garden, five years after my original idea to do this.
2012 Landscaper shoves dirt around and against the house, establishing dry wells which are not deep enough or far enough away from the house, also drilling holes in my rain barrels. I spend part of the summer repairing their work, then try to find the correct level around the front of the house as well as to the sidewalk. The sidewalk effort stops about halfway through due to the hard ground, vegetation and my allergies.
2013 I cut through a level in front of the house and create a retaining wall around the front tree to establish Delbert's Garden.
2014 Extend the walkway on both sides of the house and complete most of the picket fence.
2015 Picket fence is completed, begin working on the back corner, establishing the 3rd rain barrel and new back gutter after getting a new back roof.
2016 3rd rain barrel foundation fixed, prepare rose garden area, rock garden area, dig out more near the 1st rain barrel. Attempt but fail to complete a back fence due to design delays in negotiation with Bad House. As I know House 70's owner I was able to estblish the corner post.
So, I have been busy. I am so close to fixing up the front, I want to try and complete that...maybe even get a drive way so I can get my truck off the street and eliminate Byron Hill.
front yard,
rain barrels,
marvin's garden,
delbert's garden,