Nov 15, 2015 14:07
I have finally emptied my office closet and the floor between the records and the turntables. This is the equivalent of the digging the fox hole exercise in boot camp. There you dig the fox hole, then fill it. If I don't complete the next step now, it will be wasted effort!
After lunch I will do quick cleaning of the room. The closet area, when the door is shut, is not heated and there is no ventilation, so while it is relatively dry there is air vapor condensation and a little mold. Cirrus is not happy about the smells in that room.
Following the cleaning I will open the hallway closet. I will have empty that a bit in order to get to the stored clothes I intend to move to my office closet. My intent is to be selective, with the remaining clothes to be donated away.
This will make room for all the stuff I hauled out the rooms. I don't know if this will be successful, but will try.
I really need a lot more time to do this correctly.