Dec 14, 2014 20:59
When I wrote the subject line "Long time project half-done" I ask myself--when will I be able to say completely done on anything?
However, let's at least admit I made a major step in the right direction.
The back room is no where near what I think it could be.
Now that the roof is fixed I can focus on cleaning it.
Also I have been wanting to deal with the Spanish rug I had rolled under because of the treadmill. I didn't remove the rug because the bookshelf sat on top of it. I didn't want to move the bookshelf because it had books, radios and knick-nacs in it...and a dvd player and a video screen on top, along with another old radio that served as a pedestal for the screen.
So, over the past several months I have been boxing the contents of the shelves and moving the boxes to the front room.
However, this weekend I finally had some time and the shelves were empty enough to finish moving everything off the shelves.
[x] box everything and move boxes away (except tv antenna, two radios and dvd player...those I just put aside)
[x] move shelves off the rug.
[x] move off the rug.
[x] vacuum in the corner and around the shelves.
[x] wipe the shelves and make any repairs needed to stablize (hammer, nail puller).
[x] put the shelves back, but this time directly on the floor.
[x] put the radio then the television on top, dusting everything.
[x] put tv antenna up, dvd player and cables.
[x] wipe the washer and drier top, vacuum floor and parts of the rolled up rug.
[x] take three empty laundry soap bottles and wash out, removing caps and plastic spouts.
[x] put out all recycling and compost.
[x] clean the compost container.
[x] rinse all dirty dishes and flatware.
[x] put away clean plastic containers.
[x] empty overflowing trash bin in the half-bathroom into the trash bag.
You would think that is a lot, but don't feel finished. Here is what still needs to be done to make me feel it is finished:
[ ] put back clean dishes and flatware from dishwasher.
[ ] put rinsed dirty dishes and flatware into dishwasher.
[ ] clean pots, plastic containers and all remaining dirty items.
[ ] put all stowed books back into the bookshelves (not radios).
[ ] if any extra room, fill with other books.
[ ] stow everything in the one corner of the back room by moving to the basement.
[ ] thoroughly clean the Spanish rug and place in the back room if that can be done properly.
[ ] dust, vacuum, straighten entire back room.
Of course, there is even more to do:
[ ] hang and adapt all window covering rolls purchased long ago for use in the backroom.
[ ] wash the few tiles in the back room which are still whole and not moving...remove pieces that are moving.
[ ] wash all windows and remove paint.
[ ] sand paint trim for all windows and re-paint.
[ ] put up the solar clothes drier outside (it is now in the front room awaiting installation as it has for years in the back room!)
[ ] put up gutters and rain barrel off the back room
[ ] sand paint exterior trim for all windows and re-paint.
[ ] find a place for the bookshelves in the front room displaced from the back room (it will not go back there).
[ ] move extra stuff in the front room into the basement.
[ ] clean the front room.
Other big projects, of course are planned for the back and front rooms:
[ ] hook up computers in the front room (windows 98)
[ ] put in spare floor tile in the back room
[ ] put up new walls and ceiling with new insulation in the back room.
[ ] new electrical for front room: exterior outlets, new ceiling lights.
[ ] new electrical for kitchen...remove grid.
I was going to write more but Cirrus, our cat, interrupted me by puncturing my leg with his right paw claws. I am pretty sure that was enough to say anyway!
back room,
front room,
back roof