Yard work

Feb 04, 2012 19:35

If there were days like this more often we would not have a problem with the landscaping around the house!

I spent only about 2 1/2 hours outside cutting vines and branches and stuffing as many of them into the green compost container as it could hold. I raked the ground on the Southwest corner in front of the house.

Definitely landscaping needs to drop the ground level several inches from where it is. Even the front window wells, which don't have much debris inside, have the ground sloped down into the well. Any good rain would send water and debris into the well.

Also pulled vines and branches from the house's Northeast corner and better connected the downspout to the flexline leading to the ground. Once again, the ground needs to slope down from the house and here it is either even or sloping up slightly.

I am quite tired from the work and know it is a very small change in the face of so much that needs to be done. Still, I am pleased I was able to make progress.

To-morrow I will find a shovel and dig out the window wells at the house's South side. Here the debris has surrounded and filled the wells to the point that you can't even see the corrugated steel enclosure. If I am really brave I will get the ladder to the gutter at the house's Southeast corner and reconnect the downspout: it might help a little, although the gutters on both sides of the house needs to be cleaned of leaves and debris. I should be able to do that on the house's North gutter as I have room to slant the ladder onto that eave. The South gutter is within feet of the neighboring house and cleaning the gutter would require getting permission to put the bottom of the ladder on their property...which I am willing to do but only after I have proven I can clean the North side!

I accepted the bid from one plumbing contractor to re-pipe our house. Next step: sign the contract, put down the money for supplies and schedule all the work, including my own preparation assignments and the electrical check for grounding. I have to open up the overhead space in our half-bathroom where the plumbing leads to the 2nd floor bathroom (there is about 1 1/2 feet of false ceiling accomplished by wood paneling) and also pull the paneling and other obstructions leading to shower and sink connections on the 2nd floor. Then, most daunting of all, I have to clean up the basement to the point where plumbers can get to where the new pipes will go.

Still need to do some research on gutter replacement and on landscaping.

I told our North neighbor when I saw her today that we were going to do landscaping and that we wanted to know if there was anything they specifically wanted removed or kept, as the bias will be toward removal. Even though the Laurel trees on the North side were leaning toward their house she says they like the shade. There is a volunteer walnut tree at the Northwest corner of the property which is causing problems, so definitely that will go.

So, so far definitely:
* tree on South side...goes (and stump ground down).
* walnut tree at Northwest corner...goes.
* evergreen tree at Southwest corner...stays.
* juniper bushes in front...go away.
* blackberry...go away.
* grape cut back and controlled...or can't be controlled...go away.
* dead crab-apple tree at Northeast corner removed and stump ground down.
* removal of the chain link fence.

Possible and probable:
* carport and concrete pad go away...replaced by two concrete pads spaced for vehicle wheels.
* deck and wheelchair ramp...go away (unfortunately) to allow work on the back part of the house. We would have to have some temporary stairs out the back in the meantime.
* spindly evergreen trees on alley side of property removed.
* bushes on front/West side pulled.
* most of the front pulled and re-sloped, possibly the foundation exposed and water proofed for the entire front and then most of the North side also explosed and water proofed. This may be somewhat tricky because of the buried oil tank, however it may be a good time to actually remove that rather than just rely on the decommissioning.
* new steps to the porch if needed, otherwise wait for house exterior renovation.
* Additional trees removed on the North side and Laurel trees judiciously cut back to continue shade but keep growth under control.
* See if apple tree can be saved and brought back to health.

After all this work of removal:
* sod back and front yard or plant with some sort of ground cover which can easily be removed later when phase 2 occurs (after all house exterior work is complete).

Phase 2 (as interior remodeling progresses):
* who knows!? At this point I think Marisa and I can take care of what needs to be done. Among the possibilities:
- trees in the park strip
- 1 or 2 fruit trees
- fences.
- rose bushes.
- a small plot for a garden.
- a tool shed.
- properly paved walk way on the Northside with bench, ornamental statuary.

plumbing, yardwork, house

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