* The part of Badhouse that was for sale no longer has a for sale sign.
Was it sold or did the owners realize they will have to wait out the recession to get back what they paid for it?
* People were on balance very nice today. This is, unfortunately, rare!
-- Fred Meyer clerk recognized I had a lot of items from the Home department which had a 10 percent off coupon on some advert, so found the paper, ripped out the coupon and saved me around $4!
-- The grocery carts at FM were in disarray and spilling out of the cart corral into the the parking lot. So I started straightening them. But this is not celebratory of my niceness, it was the fact that some woman saw me doing it, helped straighten out one of the carts and thanked me for straightening out the carts.
-- I was fishing my coin compartment for a penny so I wouldn't get multiple pennies back in change. Finally I found a penny. The guy behind me said some funny comment. I consider that nice simply because it provided a human connection and humor.
-- The woman in front of me saw her groceries were just about to be processed and the separator bar was no longer needed, so she thoughtfully removed the bar and put at the end of my groceries. After doing that the person behind me could start unloading his items onto the belt. Again, this is something I would do if I was up in front, but I couldn't do it. I was nice to see someone thinking beyond their own needs.
* Why were people nice? The weather was good...warm, sunny but not too hot.
* The city put speed bumps on Central Ave., which intersects with my block
(I think the asphalt was laid last Thursday or Friday). I have mixed feelings about this: This is a bike path road, but these bumps are not good for bikes and bicyclists have tough enough time maintaining good speed. It would have been better if the bumps had a gap large enough that smart bicyclists could ride bump-less but small enough that car tires could not take advantage of it.
* You can't easily get those two to three prong adapters anymore with the ground wire, so you have to make do.
You can get the kind with the ground tab, but these are only useful on the top part of a two outlet socket. The bottom part's ground tab faces the wrong direction to enable hooking up the tab to the outlet screw (for polarized outlets). To deal with this I bought a set of connectors, a cheap extension cord and a two to three prong adapter with the ground tab. I cut the extension cord, unzipped it, cut off a 4-inch piece, stripped the tips and crimped the tips to two connectors: an open spade and a "female" spade. Then I slipped the female spade onto the ground tab and voila! a two to three prong adapter with ground wire.