Another Thursday goes by

Oct 10, 2024 18:24

Today I sorted my papers and plan to get them into the folders tonight...and then will maintain that organization.

Never got dressed today: seemed pointless.

I have a few dishes to rinse and put in the dishwasher.

Tomorrow is garbage garbage day. I will put out the garbage right now!

Worked the IRA investment out. I am a big nervous about the fees and discuss that separately.

I had to set it up on a different browser. Firefox is not supported for some purposes at times. Etrade has given up on Firefox.

Following magic lantern slides on Ebay--most too expensive. I tried to low ball one, but the seller rejected. Then, at the end of the day someone put up 6 slides from 1924. I checked--had only one of them already and it was broken. These were all intact, so bought the six. The seller must have been amazed that it went so fast!

My average is creeping up. It is difficult to buy at $11-$12 which is what I have been doing for the past two decades, but I can get in for $13-$14 occasionally. The average over the years is now at $11.15.

Anyway, it pays to check and now I have Ebay set up for that now that the IRA loan is gone and we should end up paying off all our large debt before the end of the year.

Marisa got some groceries today including chicken for her, so I will see what I can put together. I do have salad makings again, but really need the chiquin pieces.

Really disappointed the Internet Archive is down. Some stupid hacker ruined it for all of us. When IA is back I need to look into donating something to them. It can't hurt and maybe it will even help.

groceries, garbage, ira, ebay

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