Aug 31, 2024 13:07
It is 1 p.m. on a Saturday.
A bit warm. Sunny. I hear beeping as people pass Fred Meyer where the union is striking.
Our divider rod between House70 and House60 has lost its orange plastic cap. I suspect a high school student removed it in the past week.
I have eaten breakfast and negotiated a glass slide purchase with a seller I have worked with in the past. It was only my intent to let the seller know the date on the slide was wrong: 1919 not 1925.
Purchased slacks which I hope fit me (this will be the trial) and vacuum cleaner bags (we have one spare now).
One cat litter box was cleaned yesterday. Once I get dressed I will do the other and also will hand wash plastics and other items in the kitchen.
My desk is covered with all sorts of paper items. I need to toss everything in a box and then sort.
Received a new slide today. It is in bad shape, but rare, so went for it and now I have it.
Need to sweep the walkway and sidewalk.
Organized some photos on my computer for a more comprehensive review of how I used to look.
Thinking seriously about a facelift to remove my jowls. Obviously it depends on our finances. Marisa wants to deal with her neck. I would like to present the youth I feel inside instead of my age.
plastic surgery,
cat litter,
magic lantern slides