Another day closer to finishing the backyard

Jul 05, 2024 13:28

The truth be known: I may never finish the backyard. I suppose I could if it was a sterile environment isolated from the planet's environment and never a whim to my creativity.

What I want to do is do enough to get city approval. Then it will be finished for that purpose.

Done today:

* fold up all tarps.
* transplant grass from alleyway to back yard (2)
* empty 2 straw bags (Waddles) into compost bin, throw out bags. (no more room, so moved remaining waddle to front area)
* put a few small cut branches into compost bin (retain what might chip well).
* rejuvenate about 10 square feet of backyard and seed.
* water newer area of rejuvenated yard.
* shovel dirt to fill depression under north side fence.
* set up Teddy The Frog sitting on a field of black rocks corraled by rough-hewn black blocks over landscape fabric between the Juniper tree and The Rose Garden.
* shovel dirt at center of walkway to one wheelbarrow, dumped at LBT.
* move one sand bag to south side.
* added two rough-hewn black blocks to approach.

By 3 p.m. the temperature was 92 degrees Fahrenheit and most of the work I had to do was in direct sunlight, so I stopped working!

I came back after 7 p.m.

* put remaining river rock into the repository.
* add black stone to other side of approach
* shovel one more wheelbarrow-ful of dirt from center of walkway to dump at LBT.

Saturday and Sunday:
[ ] shovel remaining dirt from center of walkway to dump at LBT.
[ ] move remaining sand bags to south side.
[ ] weed south side.
[ ] change direction for brick in approach.
[ ] move black stone to area between drive way and chimney memorial walkway.
[ ] move hatch to back driveway for removal.
[ ] rake/sweep the rest of the north side yard (leaves at Byron Hill 2)
[ ] move concrete slabs from LBT.
[ ] move chair/foot to side yard.
[ ] bag colored river rock.
[ ] move colored river rock and white rock bags to window well.
[ ] dig out more of walkway to add landscape fabric and gravel (hammer concrete).
[ ] take dirt in wheel barrow to LBT.
[ ] supplement with gravel from window well
[ ] fill with bricks
[ ] bag asbestos.
[ ] put additional items in small boxes.
[ ] get 2nd glass and put remaining glass in there.
[ ] stow pottery shards separately.
[ ] move asbestos bag and small boxes, glasses of glass, inside the house.
[ ] add landscape fabric to rest of walkway.
[ ] find more brick to go onto walkway.
[ ] move large heavy plywood to driveway area.
[ ] sunflower and irregular stones with slate sculpture over landscape fabric.
[ ] remove accumulated stuff
[ ] rake as needed to remove leafs and debris.
[ ] weed driveway.
[ ] sweep driveway.
[ ] add to rejuvenated ground.
[ ] chip all branches.
[ ] spread chips and bagged bark.
[ ] weed wack front park strip.
[ ] weed wack back yard.

city code, city of portland, backyard

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