Return Again to Scappoose

Mar 23, 2024 10:46

Drove the 12 miles or so to Scappoose Oregon and then back to have my truck tested for the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. $25 by credit card.

Nice drive. Only had to wait for one truck.

I didn't get a green light. The woman needed to check to see if I was a regular vehicle or a mobile home, then motioned for me to come in. For mobile homes, she told me later, they need to be checked on the side.

No registration, no problem. I just pay the fee and I get certification. When I came home I signed on to dmv2u and completed the auto registration process: $250 by credit card (or around that), including a Multnomah County tax. I should get the stickers in the mail.

While in Scappoose I took photos of some trees by the rail line and ruins of concrete supports I found photogenic. Once again I passed the liquor store in the classic Frakes building without taking a photo. Also passed a little brown house on the south side of the highway on the way out of Scappoose that I thought would make a good photo. Maybe some day.

Stopped at the Goodwill and parked along side the landscaped section bordering the Candlelight apartments (so named because of the huge candle that was there before the buildings were constructed). I took photos of the Oregon grape and some other flowering bushes.

Goodwill wouldn't open for another hour (it was 9 a.m., they open at 10), so I drove on.

On the way to Scappoose I noticed that the newly named bridge to Sauvie Island, Wapato Bridge, looks very cool in the early morning light. So I made sure to take a photo of it by driving to Larson Road which was heavily posted "No Trespassing" by the marina right there. I parked anyway off to the side and took a couple of photos, then got in my truck and drove home.

All along the way I used cruise control to maintain the correct speed. The gas gauge moved down a bit, but it was probably good for the truck to take the trip and I enjoyed it.

Now, registered and paid up, I feel much better. Things are moving along.

Once at home Marisa was watching a documentary about fan films which had, among others, Vic Mignola and Richard Hatch. Mignola was behind Star Trek Continues and Hatch (besides writing a Battlestar Galactica novel and appearing in both Battlestar Galactica series) was involved in Star Trek: Axanar. Earlier this morning, while drinking coffee, I had thought of how my fan behavior for Star Trek got me fired from a job. I told the story to Marisa...about how I was covering the Kansas City School Board meeting for KCUR-FM in 1990 and they closed for executive session. Stupid me went home to watch Star Trek. Turns out this was when the board fired the superintendent of the district: a huge story that I missed! So I resigned. I have to say this was probably the biggest mistake of my life.

kcur-fm, dmv, star trek, sauvie island, truck, deq, scappoose

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