May 29, 2023 20:42
I woke up from a dream where I heard an announcer say that Benjamin Franklin had somehow stifled the growth of community bands in the 18th century, only to see a resurgence of music performance by amateurs in the 19th century, then to be put aside in the 1950s with push for more science education.
This is incorrect. Benjamin Franklin enjoyed music and, like his other endeavors, was curious about it and inventive. In no way would we want to restrict the individual's ability to play music. He invented the armonica, an instrument specially constructed of glass which rotated and allowed the player to wet fingers and sound individual notes by pressing them at different points along the graduated glass. It came from him seeing music performed on filled water glasses, where the musician would move to strike each glass to get a note. His invention was more efficient...with the glass presented in a compact way, within arms' reach.
His armonica was a big hit in Europe and composers, including Mozart, specifically wrote for it.
So where do crazy and incorrect statements come from in dreams? I, for one, do not use dreams as facts. They can provide interesting connections that would otherwise go unnoticed.
In some ways, dreams match up concepts and images as computers do through artificial intelligence. Not correct, but sometimes interesting.
artificial intelligence,