Nov 05, 2004 19:18
I have spent the entire day working on one junked up pc. First I actually tried to save the thing by removing all the spyware a viruses, but there was no hope for that. So, I had to format. In doing that I lost all the driver info, which in most cases isn't that big of a deal, but dell's site sucks they made more then one type of this model pc and it has been a pain to try and find the drivers.
I mean come on how hard is it to keep the original restore cd's that came with the computer. I mean if you are stupid enough to get a pc you might as well be ready to reinstall your entire OS every 3 months otherwise the thing will slow down to an unusable speed.
Not to mention I just wasted most of the day for 20bucks, which I will probably end up giving back since I didn't fix it. And if I do work on it any longer I will probably end up taking a hammer and not stopping until ever last piece of it is demolished!!!
Anyways to get off all the bad stuff. I did finally get the chance (during the second formatting of the PC) to look into CSS and I gotta say I am really excited to learn it. It is going to make the page not only look a lot better, but it will also make it easier to manage. I just really hope I can get some money together and buy a book on it.
I love books they are so much better then reading the stuff off a computer screen.
So I haven't left the house since my last post so it looks like I was right about not seeing the sun for a couple days. Now you may think that is odd, but for me that used to happen all the time. I'm a computer nerd so as long as the power and roadrunner are on and running I am content. Well, at least for a few days.
Well, I guess that is all for now. Just please remember if you are stupid enough to by a PC please, please! keep the restore cd that came with it and if you do happen to lose the cd don't call me!
trust me your better off to just...
buy a mac