Music History

Oct 24, 2002 10:29

It's a fuckin sham. That class has to be the worst class that I've ever taken. My attitude towards it is only exacerbated by the fact that I've gotten two C's for test grades. That's ludicrous. one a 79 another a 71. That pisses me off. I studied 3 or 4 hours total for the first test and I get a 79. I study double that for the second test and I get even less?! There is something VERY wrong with this grading schema. Like this for example... On this more recent test, Why is it so important to know that Glaneaus was from the 16th century. WHY IS THAT WORTH A FUCKING 1/2 POINT? I thought it would be better and more knowledgeable to memorize the title of his book in German, but NO... that's shit to the professor. I think I got 3 points taken off because of dates.

What confuses me even more is on the first test, I put dates on that were wrong and got points taken off, while others didn't put dates and didn't get anything taken off. That told me, " Hey... she's not looking for dates, she's looking for substance". So now I don't put dates and I get points taken off. WHat a biatch.

Then there's the whole thing where she changed the format of the test. She gives you a review sheet with a Listening portion on it. In the listening portion there are 5 different types of music. Under Plainchant there are no composers, under Motets there are composers, under Mass movements there are composers, then under Italian and French Secular songs there aren't any composers.
--------- I don't know about you, but to me that says... you need to know composers for mass movements and motets but not for plain chant, italian secular, and french secular. Then she goes and classifies the secular songs by composer instead of by the topics she gave on the review sheet. THAT ROYALLY PISSED ME OFF. I missed probably 9 points because of that. So really I should have a B on this test at least. I'm going to go to her office hours later if I'm awake and rip her trachea from it's dark desolate home in her body.
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