This past week:
My birthday was Feb.4, that was good despite getting sick. It was one of those days that were pretty up and down, but all that sticks out about it is the good. Hello 17.
I never got better from my illness and I actually was hospitalized for it on Thursday; but all is on the up and up.
My first survey in God knows how long...thanks alot Stu..
Name: Nathan, Natey, Na-Na
Sex: I'm a boy. Some people think I'm a girl
Birthday: 2/4/88
Sign: aquarius
Siblings: my brother and my sister
Hair color: dark brown/red/blonde
Eye color: brown/black: like a cow
Height: 6' 4"
• Å~ • R E L A T I O N S H I P S • Å~ •
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: I'm...looking???!???
How many exes do you have?: 3
What is your longest relationship?: 8 months
What was your shortest relationship?: 1 month
• Å~ • F A S H I O N | S T U F F • Å~ •
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes:h&m.Goodwill.
Any tattoos or piercings: lip (less than 1 year)
Favorite brand?:BTOD...what's up.
What is your sexiest outfit?:anything with my plaid shirt that's ripping.
What is your most comfortable outfit?: my fleecepants and my AAA hoodie
What do you usually wear?:tight pants.
• Å~ • S P E C I F I C S • Å~ •
Do you do drugs?: no no
What kind of shampoo do you use?:garnier fructis
What are you most scared of?: not fulfilling my potential.on all levels
What are you listening to right now: 7 angels, 7 plagues
Who is the last person that called you?: Steve
Where do you want to get married?: doesn't matter
What would you change about yourself?: I'd be more physical
Å~ • F A V O R I T E S • Å~ •
Colors: grey and pink and happy
Foods: casa chimaya
Girls names: jhazmyne
Boys names: FREDRICK CONSTANTINE, and Cylos
Subjects in school: graphics, photo, history, english
Animals: doggs
• Å~ • H A V E | Y O U | E V E R • Å~ •
Given anyone a bath?: Peter.
Smoked?: Yes. Cigars. But not anymore.
Made yourself throw up?: Not once
Skinny dipped?: Something tells me yes...but I don't think so.
Ever been in love?: I like to think so.
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?no
Cried when someone died?: Every funeral I have ever been to
Lied: yes
Fallen for your best friend?: yeah, It's bad news.
Been rejected?: Of course.
Rejected someone?: Yeah and I hated it
Used someone?: no
Done something you regret?: woah, yeah I have.
• Å~ • C U R R E N T • Å~ •
Clothes: sweatpants, girls shirt, eyeglasses
Annoyance: laziness. I am the laziest.
DVD in player: Fight club.
• Å~ • L A S T | P E R S O N • Å~ •
You touched: mom
Hugged: Autumn
You IMed: Ashley
You yelled at: Dad
You kissed: mom
• Å~ • A R E | Y O U • Å~ •
Understanding: I think of myself as being understanding.
Open-minded: I have my beliefs. No.
Arrogant: Oddly enough, I can be at times.
Insecure: Most of the time, yes.
Random?: Only at the worst times.
Hungry:Yes, I've been sick for a week.
Smart: Probably not.
Moody: Not usually.
Hard working: Occasionally.
Organized: No
Healthy: Nope.
Shy: Definitely
Difficult: Musically, yes
Attractive: Not really, but I can be vain
Bored easily: Yes
Obsessed: No
Angry: Not at all.
Sad: When I want to be.
Happy: Yeah, I'm pretty conent.
Hyper: No.
• Å~ • W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A • Å~ •
Kill?:The girl in my chorus class that reminds us all of a whore.Yeah, her.
Slap?: my science teacher.
Get really wasted with?: I'd rather not. Unless it was rootbeer, then it would be Dr. Pope.
Have sex with: Stu.
• Å~ • R A N D O M • Å~ •
In the morning I: love the shower.
All you need is: Jesus.Christ that is.
Love is: freedom
I dream about: being totally free.
• Å~ • W H O • Å~ •
Makes you smile: pure creativity.
Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: Ray Romano.
• Å~ • D O | Y O U | E V E R • Å~ •
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to
IM you?:, that was a long time ago.
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: No.
Wish you were younger: Sometimes.
Cried because someone said something to you?: Yes.
• Å~ • N U M B E R • Å~ •
Of times I have had my heart broken: Twice
Of hearts I have broken: 0
Of scars on my body: 6, none intentional.
Of things that I regret: 2
• Å~ • Y O U R | T H O U G H T S • Å~ •
I know: how to play drums.
I want:to be as creative as I can.
I have: aspirations.he.
I wish: i was on tour.
I hate: lack of creativity.
I fear: laziness.
I hear: Stuart saying 'Yay'
I search: social stimulation.
I wonder: what's in store for me.