Title: "Owl to Andromeda Tonks"
Game date: December 6, 2007
Time of day: 8:00am
Characters featured: Narcissa Malfoy, Andromeda Tonks
Location: Malfoy Manor
Status: Personal/Reflective
Brief summary: Narcissa has some convalescent 'splaining to do.
Completion: Completed
Dear Andie,
I realised this evening that it's been over a month since you last heard from me, and I was going to help you move, so I owe you a deep apology. I should have had Lucius or Draco tell you what was going on, but I've been so out of it that I didn't think to, and I'm sure neither of them thought to write you, either.
If they did, I will thank them pofusely, but Draco, at least, is obssessed lately with restoring the 'family honor,' so I don't hold out much hope that he wrote you.
I came down with pneumonia a few days after seeing you and Teddy in Diagon Alley. I've been a mess ever since. After the pneumonia came intestinal troubles whose details I'd rather just forget. I had a bad reaction to some antibiotic I was taking, it seems.
Trust me, this is not the way you ever want to lose weight. My dresses hang on me like sacks. I still don't have any appetite, not even for that wonderful Italian food we ate at that restaurant you took me to.
Anyway--Are you and Teddy all moved into the house in Gloucestershire yet? I'm sure you must be. I am so sorry I wasn't there. I hope Molly at least was able to help you move.
Are you happier in Gloucestershire? I hope you're able to meet new people there and make new friends. Being lonely is horrid, and you've had more than your fair share of that.
I hope to hear from you soon.