Title: "Do Clothes Make the Woman?"
Game Date: October 5, 1998
Location: Malfoy Manor
Characters featured: Narcissa Malfoy, mention of Andromeda Tonks
Brief summary: Narcissa becomes unexpectedly introspective while going through her closet.
Status: Personal/Reflective
Completion: Complete
Narcissa dug thrugh her collection of day dresses and sighed. All these clothes, and not a Muggle thing to wear, if Andie decides she's up for a picnic. And besides, if I'm going to spend more time with her, which I hope I will, I'm going to need Muggle clothes. Unless she decides to live in Hogsmeade, there will be Muggles about, and I will need to blend in.
She had never worried about blending in, before; rather the opposite. She had been among the girls at Hogwarts who had set the fashions, not followed them, and that had continued after her graduation. Now, however...
I cannot walk around Muggles in witch's robes. Narcissa paused and chuckled to herself. Or, hey, maybe I could. Start a new fashion among the Muggles, perhaps. That would be amusing.
Narcissa pulled out a soft, blue-grey robe and looked it over. It was an extremely simple--even plain--robe, with a scoop neckline and loose sleeves, cinched at the waist. She hadn't worn it in years because it was so boring. Why had she never added some embroidery, Narcissa wondered?
Maybe if I cut it to knee-length? I know Muggles don't go about in long skirts. She paused. Lucius will be horrified. I'm horrified. But still...If I continue dressing as Bella dressed, wouldn't that just be an indication that my feelings haven't really changed, that I still believe what she believed? That I would still sit in my drawing-room with the rest of them and watch someone be murdered?
Narcissa shuddered. Dammit, why did I remind myself of that? And what makes me think changing the way I dress--even a little bit--will make any difference?
Suddenly, she wanted to tear the robe to ribbons, tear all of her clothes to ribbons, and she had to fight the urge to pull out her wand and conjure a pair of scissors.
No. I am not going to do that. How silly, as if my clothes were the issue. She let out a deep breath and looked at the robe again. Cut it to knee-length. Embroider the neckline. Just...do it.